3.2 Markdown实战 #
使用所有这些内容功能,我们现在将更新Acme Corporation网站的About Us页面,使其更美观。 图3.10显示了已完成的页面。 About页面的核心元素已经出现在第2章的示例文本中。 以下更改将使页面更具观赏性。
图3.10使用高级Markdown功能的Acme Corporation的 “关于我们” 页面: 1) 块元素,如标题和列表,2) 内联元素,如粗体、斜体和链接,3) 内联HTML和字符代码,4) 表格,以及 5) 定义列表和表情符号。(Peax Webdesign的字体; PxHere的图像基于Creative Commons CC0。)
- 1 Block elements
- a Add a top-level title with the text About Us.
- b Make Manufacturing, Products, and Team second-level headings.
- c Make the following a blockquote: We shape the world. You live in it.
- d There is a numbered list in the Manufacturing section. Make some bulleted sublists for it.
- 2 Inline elements
- a Format the text “three different” and the item names in the numbered list in the Manfacturing section as bold.
- b Format the text “200 shapes” in the Products section as both bold and italicized.
- c Convert text in the Products table to links.
- 3 Inline HTML and character codes
- a Add a trademark sign after Acme Corporation at the top of the page.
- b The character code for a circle is ? and for a triangle it’s ?. Add these to the Design column of the Products table. Note that two dashes automatically convert to a line.
- c Add the embedded HTML for a right-floating image with a 20 px margin pointing to /image/draw.jpg in the Manufacturing section. (You’ll find draw.jpg in the resources for this chapter, but you need to move it to the static/image folder.)
- 4 Tables
- a Convert the comma-separated list to the Products table.
- 5 Emojis and definition lists
- a Convert the text “smiles” to the emoji (:smile:).
- b Convert the description of team members in the Team area to an HTML definition list.
完成的关于页面在章节资源 (https://github.com/hugoinaction/tree/chapter-03-resources/03) 中提供,并作为代码检查点进行比较。
CODE CHECKPOINT https://chapter-03-03.hugoinaction.com, and source code: https://github.com/hugoinaction/hugoinaction/tree/chapter-03-03. ↻ Restart your dev server.