Summary #
Content types in Hugo provide the means to write different, potentially inde- pendent templates for different types of content. Hugo automatically maps the section name of the branch bundle to the content type.
We can use the base template and code blocks in Hugo to share common snip- pets of the Go template language via an inheritance mechanism. The base template provides snippets of default code that we can override in the specific templates.
Partials in Hugo provide a means to encapsulate a shared code snippet in an independent file. We can cache partials for faster execution.
Partials also act as functions that can return values to the caller.
With Hugo Pipes, we can process textual and nontextual assets with a series of filters.
We can write Go template code in any text-based file format from CSS and JavaScript to SVG.
Hugo provides a variety of image manipulation functions for resizing to filtering.
We can write custom code to control how Hugo renders the elements of the Markdown document.
Hugo comes bundled with many reusable templates that we can add to a web- site with just one line of code.